How do we solve food crisis such as meat shortage from cows
This is an 8 pages paper with 1.5 spacing, times new roman. The format is like a blog, not like a research paper, but need MLA citation at the last page. The first two pages are the summary of the pdfs (start with fst100b in the attactment.) It is to inform the public what I’ve learnt from the pdfs. The remain pages will focus on the big data and “how do we solve food crisis” such as meat shortage from cows. Then, think of 2 or 3 methods to solve it and explain different perspectives of the methods (such as health, environmental, side effect, price, etc..)The second focus is the “big data on food industry”You can find the idea of big data in the 2 attachments. By using the big data, extend it into food industry and explain how it can work in future 5 or 10 years. (maybe fusion with technology).