How do you account for the rise of Islam, the attraction of its faith, and the spread of Islam and Muslim rule across much of the Middle East and parts of Europe?
History 141 Final Exam Instruction: Choose four of the following questions. Answer them as completely as you can. Your responses should be no more than 2 pages per question. You have until Sunday Midnight EST to complete, save, and submit your exam in your Assignments Folder so be sure that you do not open it until you are ready. No exams will be accepted after midnight Sunday which is the end of the class unless you have made prior arrangements. 1. Islam grew to become a major religious and political force from the Early Middle Ages through the seventeenth century. How do you account for the rise of Islam, the attraction of its faith, and the spread of Islam and Muslim rule across much of the Middle East and parts of Europe? In what ways has the Medieval history of Islam even impacted contemporary religion and politics? 2.Examine and analyze the relationship of church and state as it evolved from the Fourth Century A.D. through the Reformation. How did this relationship change over time and what caused church-state relations to change at the close of the Middle Ages? Be sure to provide and elaborate on at least four specific examples of both cooperation and conflicts. 3.In our studies, we have seen several examples of political and military leaders who helped define the characteristics of the civilizations they led. Identify and discuss the differences and similarities in leadership style of four (4) of the following: Akhenaton; Alexander; Augustus; Julius Caesar; Charlemagne; William of Normandy; Joan of Arc; Martin Luther. 4.The Byzantine Empire thrived through much of the Middle Ages. How do you account for its prosperity and longevity? If it was so strong, when and why did it decline and eventually fall?