How do your habits compare to your peers?
Did you think you drank that much? did you think your peers drank that much? did the number of Calories you consume in alcohol seem crazy to you? how much money did you spend on alcohol? how did it make you feel to know you had spent all this money on booze and not other stuff you really needed? look at the prescription drug and alcohol interactions…are you taking any of these drugs and have you experienced any of these interactions? think about the alcohol and your body quiz…how many of those did you get right? did any of the answers shock you? what about your BAC: How long would it take you to sober up? did that amount of time surprise you? look at your personal risk factor and negative consequences score: was it high or low, did it surprise you? Look at the tolerance level and family risk. Did those things surprise you? Are you at risk, is yoru tolerance high or low? How or why do you think your tolerance is where it is? Were your guesses close, correct, or completely wrong for people who drink more than you, WIU students who drink or smoke pot? What about cigarette use? Are you a smoker? Did you know how alcohol and nicotine mixed to create such bad consequences? Look at your making changes page: do you want to stop drinking? Is it causing problems in your life? have you ever tried any of those quitting strategies? Did any of those strategies sound crazy to you? Why? Did actually having to think about the amount you drink make you reconsider your alcohol consumption habits? If you are not a drinker, did going through this survey make you think more about how much your peers drink?