How does diet/nutrition affect mental health in teenagers?
**Must use only articles that are in peer-reviewed journals. ** **The final work will be about 8-10 pages long. And it will connect to the memoir “The Good Food Revolution” by Will Allen** Overall, in the paper you will need to (1) define the topic, (2) develop a research question related to nourishment, (3) provide operational definitions of important terms in your research question, (4) provide and summarize empirical research of the topic, (5) develop and select a method for examining the research question, (6) discuss your sampling techniques, (7) discuss any ethical issues your research might be vulnerable to, (8) describe any strengths or weaknesses to internal or external validity and reliability. Finally, (9) you must reflect on the process of writing the paper. Which means it must describe (a) how this paper has helped you to understand the research process better than before; (b) explore which aspects of his paper were easy or difficult to conceptualize and write; (c) describe something that you have learned about yourself after writing the paper and reading the Will Allen memoir.