How effective was Doug in defining and framing a vision for Wright-Patt Credit Union?
Read the attachment and answer the questions below in a min of 1050 words. Must be in APA format and pass plagerism checker
1. How effective was Doug in defining and framing a vision for Wright-Patt Credit Union? In what ways were his efforts similar to and different from the example of Charles Schwab cited earlier?
▪ How did Doug resolve the dilemma of where visions come from? Where did he find his vision? ▪ Review the earlier metaphors of the rubber band, doorman, and jigsaw. Do any of these metaphors
seem especially relevant to Doug?
2. Evaluate the content dimensions of Doug’s vision work at Wright-Patt Credit Union. How did he accomplish the processes described below?
▪ Making the Case for Change ▪ Identifying an Ideal Goal ▪ Addressing the People dimension
3. With respect to Articulating and Communicating the Vision, how effectively did Doug address the three different levels outlined as follows?
▪ Strategic—“HEAD” ▪ Tactical—“HANDS” ▪ Personal—“HEART”
1. How effective was Doug in defining and framing a vision for Wright-Patt Credit Union? In what ways were his efforts similar to and different from the example of Charles Schwab cited earlier?
▪ How did Doug resolve the dilemma of where visions come from? Where did he find his vision? ▪ Review the earlier metaphors of the rubber band, doorman, and jigsaw. Do any of these metaphors
seem especially relevant to Doug?
2. Evaluate the content dimensions of Doug’s vision work at Wright-Patt Credit Union. How did he accomplish the processes described below?
▪ Making the Case for Change ▪ Identifying an Ideal Goal ▪ Addressing the People dimension
3. With respect to Articulating and Communicating the Vision, how effectively did Doug address the three different levels outlined as follows?
▪ Strategic—“HEAD”
▪ Tactical—“HANDS”
▪ Personal—“HEART”
(Quinn 181)
Quinn, Robert E., David Bright, Sue Faerman, Michael Thompson, Michael McGrath. Becoming a Master Manager: A Competing Values Approach, 6th Edition. Wiley, 2015-01-05. VitalBook file.