How has an understanding of consumer behavior helped Groupon grow from 40 subscribers in Chicago in 2008 to 60 million subscribers in 40 countries today?

How has an understanding of consumer behavior helped Groupon grow from 40 subscribers in Chicago in 2008 to 60 million subscribers in 40 countries today?

Groupon: Helping Consumers with Purchase Decisions. Read the Groupon case on pages 133–135 in the text. You may also watch the video at the publisher’s website if you choose. Use the following questions as a guide to participate in the discussion:

1 – How has an understanding of consumer behavior helped Groupon grow from 40 subscribers in Chicago in 2008 to 60 million subscribers in 40 countries today?

2 – What is the Groupon Promise? How does the Groupon Promise affect a consumer’s perceived risk and cognitive dissonance?

3 – Describe the five-stage purchase decision process for a typical Groupon user.