How should the decision about whether a thing is or is not a work of art be made?

How should the decision about whether a thing is or is not a work of art be made?

The purpose of this assignment is to give you an opportunity to further explore art theory and develop your own position on the definition of art by examining how one of the three principal theories of art–Danto’s Artworld Theory, Dickie’s Institutional Theory, or Beardsley’s Intentional Theory–might address this question: How should the decision about whether a thing is or is not a work of art be made? Before you begin to write your essay, think about your personal position by checking the spontaneous perceptions, feelings, and opinions that come to mind for you about art. Reflect on your point of view and examine your reasons for holding it: Are those reasons strong? How can you express them in a persuasive way? How might one criticise your position? Next, decide which of these three theories of art presented in the unit, if any, you think can best address the question posed. If you choose to reject these theories, you must present a strong argument for doing so. In your essay, if you are basing your position on one of the theories, you are expected to include a summary of the theory you selected, as well as explain why and how that theory can best address this question in order to work out a philosophical argument in support of your position on how decisions should be made about what is, and what is not, art.