How The Battle Of Vimy Ridge Defined Canada As A Country

How The Battle Of Vimy Ridge Defined Canada As A Country

This course explores the challenges associated with the formation of a Canadian national identity. Students have examined (and continue to examine) the social, political, and economic forces that have shaped Canada from the contact period to the present . This Independent Study Unit, worth 15% of your overall mark, allows you to explore the defining moment in the history of Canada. Using specific information relating to Canadian culture, economics, politics and the military, you need to present in an essay of 8 – 10 pages that explores the cause and effect relationship that leads to the defining moment in Canada’s young history. From there, students need to effectively explain WHY this moment has helped to make Canada what it is today. Students have the opportunity to discover what, if any, Canadian identity exists and why. Also, students could find that an identity is very difficult to define based on historical evidence. I’m writing about Vimy Ridge and how it shaped Canadian identity I Also need about 7-10 sources