How your Body Language Shapes Who You Are
Ted Talk Assignment Instructions:
Listen to the Ted Talk – “How your Body Language Shapes Who You Are”
Reflect on Ms. Cuddy’s observations and suggestions through the one-page summary and analysis
Practice “power posing” to improve your body language
Answer the following questions
Part One:Write a one-page (1) summary and analysis of the TED Talk.
The format to be used is as follows:
Top of Page at Left (Single-spaced)
Student’s Name
Title of Presentation
Summary of Presentation/Talk (type this on your paper): No more than 2 paragraphs (single-spaced).
Double space between paragraphs summary and analysis.
Analysis of Presentation/Talk (type this on your paper): No more than 2 paragraphs.Must be comprehensive in nature and reflect the relationship to content as discussed in the course or your personal understanding or view on the topic of the article. Your analysis must be single-spaced with double-spacing between paragraphs.
Part Two – Second page:Answer each question as a college student.Question 5 requires that you practice the power poses before answering.
Question 1:What facts does Ms. Cuddy tell us about body language?
Question 2:How do her facts support information shared in the most recent class lecture?
Question 3:According to Ms. Cuddy, how does your body language shape who you are?
Question 4:Name at least two ways Ms. Cuddy says anyone can improve how their body language shapes them?
Question 5:After practicing power posing, what did you observe or feel about your body presentation?Did the practice cause you to notice things that you did not notice before about your body language or did the practice cause you to see your body language differently?Why?
TED Talk 2
– TED Talk 2
Students will listen to a TED Talk of their choice and prepare a one-page (1) summary and analysis of the talk.In the analysis section, please include any dysfluencies that you may hear from the presenter and record them.
The format to be used is as follows:
Top of Page at Left (Single-spaced)
Student’s Name
Title of Presentation
Summary of Presentation/Talk (type this on your paper): No more than 2 paragraphs (single-spaced).
Double space between paragraphs summary and analysis.
Analysis of Presentation/Talk (type this on your paper): No more than 2 paragraphs.Must be comprehensive in nature and reflect the relationship to content as discussed in the course or your personal understanding or view on the topic of the article. Your analysis must be single-spaced with double-spacing between paragraphs.