Identify problem-solving techniques you would use, as well as a conflict-resolution strategy that would effectively solve this problem

Identify problem-solving techniques you would use, as well as a conflict-resolution strategy that would effectively solve this problem

Discussion Question:

Supertowne (a fictitious organization) is a nationwide superstore. The board of directors and leadership has decided to expand Supertowne, opening stores in both Canada and Mexico. Their long-range plans include expansion into many other countries. You are charged with the development of a store in Canada.

You have several team members from both the U.S. and Canada working with you. For the most part, your team works together with very little conflict. However, one of your U.S.-based employees, Matt, has been arguing with Mary, a Canada-based employee. Mary expects Matt to provide certain officials with gifts (along the lines of expensive liquor or cigars). Mary has explained that this is common practice when doing business in Canada.

Their arguments have escalated, and recently grew into a shouting match during which Matt accused Mary of expecting Supertowne to participate in bribing officials. Mary denied the accusation. Both are now refusing to work together. Their conflict is impacting your entire team and causing team members to take sides.

  • Identify problem-solving techniques you would use, as well as a conflict-resolution strategy that would effectively solve this problem.
  • Use evidence (either from personal experience or from the text) to support why you believe your approach would work.
  • Provide feedback to at least two of your peers on their proposed solutions. When applicable, offer examples of what your peers could do differently or in addition to what they are already suggesting.