Identify the committee title, members of the committee and Chairperson and full title of the bill

Identify the committee title, members of the committee and Chairperson and full title of the bill


Prepare a submission on a piece of legislation currently before a Parliamentary Select Committee or a proposed bill. The submission should:

  1. Identify the committee title, members of the committee and Chairperson and full title of the bill
  2. Clearly indicate the basis for your submission
  3. Present a coherent argument in support of your position in relation to the Bill
  4. Set out your arguments clearly, accurately, consistently and concisely
  5. Provide relevant supporting evidence for your submissions
  6. Comply with the guidelines provided for making submissions
  7. Be legible
  8. Be of a standard that could be submitted to the Committee
  9. Be referenced using APA … note that this is an academic exercise and one of the skills you must demonstrate is the ability to reference the authorities you have consulted as part of the research for preparing the submission.