Identify the internal and external conditions that can arise and weaken the strength and integrity of an industry value chain
Critically review the following propositions and their associated questions. Detail and illustrate your reasoning.
Proposition 1: Organizational analysis requires an environmental context to give full meaning to the results; in turn, landscape analysis requires its own points of organizational reference to give it strategic relevance – – each form of analysis needs to incorporate the other in order to fully explain itself.
Task 1:Consider this proposition in relation to the following question
How do output and outcome statements, when integrated with the organizational value chain, provide the necessary analytical linkage between the organization and its environment.
Proposition 2: No single industry landscape exists in isolation and it is the industry value chains, created out of the linked interests of their participants, that joins one industry in association with another.This ties the varied industrial landscapes into an integrated set of working relationships and mutual benefits.
Task:Consider this proposition in relation to the following question
Identify the internal and external conditions that can arise and weaken the strength and integrity of an industry value chain.