Identify the mental health condition that Steve appears to be suffering with, outlining the following aetiology, signs and symptom

Identify the mental health condition that Steve appears to be suffering with, outlining the following aetiology, signs and symptom

Your answer should also demonstrate an understanding of health promotion and recovery concepts and refer to the case scenario and utilize appropriate supporting references. Steve aged 23, was assessed by the Crisis resolution Team because his family had become concerned about his behaviour. Over the last 6 months he had terminated his part time work. He had also become increasingly reclusive by spending more time alone in his flat, refusing to answer the door to see his friends. After some inappropriate suspiciousness, he allowed the team into his flat and then disclosed that government scientists had started to perform experiments on him over the last year. these involved the insertion of an electrode into his brain that detected gamma rays transmitted from government headquarters which issues his with commands and planted strange ideas in his head. When they asked how he knew this, he replied that he heard the men’s voices as clear as day and that they continually commented on what he was thinking. He explained that his suspicion that all was not right was confirmed when he heard the neighbour’s dog barking in the middle of the night – at that point he knew for certain that he was being interfered with. prompted by the nurses Steve also mentioned that a man in his local pub knew of thus concerns and had sent his a ‘covert signal’ when he overheard the man conversing about the danger of nuclear experiments. He also admitted to receiving coded information from the radio whenever it was turned on. the team found no evidence of abnormal mood, incoherence of speech or disturbed motor function. Steve was admitted to psychiatric hospital. He agreed to voluntary admission, as he was now afraid of staying alone at home. For your information, please use incite citation, Harvard referencing style, 1000words, Start with introduction and with conclusion.