If Indigenous cultural traditions are intended to create, fortify, and rebuild relationships in an ongoing cycle of producing life (not ending it), how does historical Canadian policies, practices, or events challenge this tradition of relationship building?

If Indigenous cultural traditions are intended to create, fortify, and rebuild relationships in an ongoing cycle of producing life (not ending it), how does historical Canadian policies, practices, or events challenge this tradition of relationship building?

Choose ONE specific Indigenous community and how ONE Canadian policy, act, or proclamation that challenges this tradition. Cite any and all secondary research you do. Please avoid referencing canadianencyclopedia.ca, wikipedia.ca, and in class readings (Dickason & Newbigging, Manitowapow). ——————————————————- I have attached the instruction in dox and the topic is the one in I wrote in description. ——————————————————- Certain things I want to mention: 1. Course is Indigenous history to 1900. So research has to be done accordingly. 2. This course is related to Canadian indigenous history. 3. Has to be 250 words. 4.