If you were Czar of Public Health and could change one thing about American society to improve the health of the U.S. population, what would that be?
Details of Paper Requirements: Your answers to the discussion questions should not be more than 3 double-spaced typed pages. – good ideas presented with brevity are much appreciated! Write enough to make your point and explain your reasoning, but try to limit extraneous ideas not related to the question asked Subject: If you were Czar of Public Health and could change one thing about American society to improve the health of the U.S. population, what would that be? Why did you pick this one thing? (Note: There is no “right” answer. Propose a change and then discuss the ramifications of making that change) a. Would it unambiguously be a good idea to make this change, or might there be reasons why you would not make the change that you’ve identified (think of unintended consequences and how different groups in society may benefit or be harmed)? b. Identify the likely benefits and any potential costs (both monetary and in terms of utility) that would result from this change. How would you go about measuring the (monetary or otherwise) value of the benefits of such a change? Format: APA # of Pages: 3, not including Bibliography