If you were to hold a position as a HR manager; discuss five key job duties for which you are responsible

If you were to hold a position as a HR manager; discuss five key job duties for which you are responsible

1.       Human Resource Managers play an important role in the administrative function of a company. If you were to hold a position as a HR manager; discuss five key job duties for which you are responsible. As you describe these duties, discuss your role in these activities.

2.    HR managers must comply with Federal regulations to ensure their companies are complying with Equal Employment Opportunity Laws. There are numerous regulations, for which HR managers must adhere to.  Name and EXPLAIN five items that are part of the Equal Employment Opportunity Act (keep in mind EEO includes all the Civil Rights Acts additions over the last 40 years that protect and provide for employee rights).

3.      Technology is always changing how people perform their job. From two different perspectives, explain first how work has changed for people who graduated from MT Tech in 1982, compared to those who will graduate in 2016. What concerns as a HR manager must you have in order to understand the frustration and angst employees feel when they must learn new ways of doing their job? How could you as an HR manager lessen this burden and make the transitions less stressful.

4.   The cost of employee attrition, employee recruitment, employee selection and training of new employees to replace those who left is costly.  As an HR manager you worry about why employees leave your company. Why do employees leave, and what could you do as an HR manager to reduce employee attrition and increase the number of people who wish to maintain their employment with your firm.

5. Discuss the statement: “Interviews are the most widely used, but the least valid, selection method.” What are some of the problems associated with employment interviews?

6. What is meant by a psychological contract between the employee and their employer?

How do we improve employee commitment? Why is there frequently a disconnect between labor and management?