Impact Evaluation of a Strengthening Families Intervention across Five Continents especially Europe by training programs for parents using An Integral Approach
Strengthening Families Intervention
Write 3-4 pages literature review (Academic paper, other surveys studies exists on similar topic) using APA style.
The studies from reliable sources like (World Bank or other sources) found should be submit with the literature review.
The studies preferred to be recent and done in Europe. If not any other countries in the world
Target Population: children from age 0 to 7 years.
The research Q: Impact Evaluation of a Strengthening Families Intervention across Five Continents especially Europe by training programs for parents using An Integral Approach
The purpose of survey: Our goal is to evaluate the training programs for parents to see the impact on children from age 0 to 7 years
- Looking for studies that address the especial needs for children in these age range (0-7) years regarding education, sociological and health all under development aspects.
Should look for recent researches if any.
How to implement the other studies:
Professor notice: the literature review should structure more according to the information that is relevant to your topic. Only describe the other papers in so far as they are related to your research question.
For example, if one report talks about education and prior work experience. That report might be included in your literature as follows:
Previous research suggests that education is not the only critical factor in employment outcomes. Prior work experience plays a large role in an individual’s subsequent labor market success (citation).
Important: I need 6 to 8 studies (survey) that discusses the similar research question in any country to be connected to my question as addressed above. (please Attach a copy of the studies)