Impact of Organizational Culture on Employee Performance and Productivity
Assessment Task 5000 Word Report This is a task which requires you to conduct independent research and produce a research project report which effectively presents your research findings. The title of the project is the “Impact of Organizational Culture on Employee Performance and Productivity” To this end, your research project report will need to include the following: Background to your research project – General background to your project – Justification for doing this specific project: why is it needed/important, how does it fit with current research in this area of studies Project Research Question, Aim and Objectives – A clear identification of the nature of the chosen issue or problem – Clearly stated research question (what are you trying to find out?) – Clearly and logically derived aim and objectives for your research Literature review, which – Demonstrates an understanding of the principles of theory underpinning your chosen issue or problem – Includes principles or theory appropriate to your chosen research focus (i.e. aim and objectives), which are discussed critically and competently applied – Uses a wide range of good quality academic sources to justify your arguments and ideas in relation to the theoretical framework you have chosen for your research project Methodology – Explanation and rationale for your chosen research strategy/design – Justification of methods and procedures adopted, which is supported with relevant and appropriate research methods theory and sources Research Findings and Discussion (i.e. Analysis) – Competently employs appropriate methods for analysis and evidences scholarship throughout – Analysis is logical and coherently developed – Analysis is related back to the theoretical framework(s) previously identified in the literature review and these are discussed competently and at length -Analysis is supported with a range of appropriate academic references to enhance the validity of arguments made Conclusion and Recommendations – Is logically derived from the foregoing analysis -Demonstrates an understanding of the significance of the foregoing analysis and its contribution to the current body of knowledge within the subject area – Reflects on the limitations of the project – Provides recommendations for future research within this area of study and how it can contribute to the development of the body of knowledge, as well as its implications for subject area practice Referencing, structure and overall quality of presentation – Adherence to specified criteria for presentation – Evidence of an appropriate structure – Correct spelling and grammar and appropriate narrative style – Evidence of proof-reading to eliminate typographical and other errors – Correct referencing and bibliography