Implementing a total reward strategy in selected South African municipal organisations article critique

Implementing a total reward strategy in selected South African municipal organisations article critique

After reading the article you will compose an   article critique. Your critique will be at least three pages in length, and in   the  critique, you will include the following:

  • The main topic/question of the article
  • The author’s intended audience
  • A discussion of what appears to be valid or invalid in the article
  • A determination of whether or not you agree with the author’s assertion        and an explanation as to why you do or do not agree
  • A discussion of whether or not an employee’s behavior can be affected by        his/her compensation and why you believe this to be so

Be sure that any citations or references are in proper APA format. Also, be   sure to include an APA reference to your article.


Implementing a total reward strategy in selected South African municipal organisations

Cite Work:

Bwowe, P. W., & Marongwe, N. (2018). Implementing a total reward strategy in selected south african municipal organisations. SA Journal of Human Resource Management, 16 doi: