Importance of African languages in the production and consumption of African literature in Africa.

Importance of African languages in the production and consumption of African literature in Africa.

Since the publication of Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart in 1958, African writers and readers have been divided over the question of language in African literature. This question has given rise to two basic schools of thought, one emphasizing the importance of African languages in African literature and the other arguing for the centrality of colonial languages (French, English, Portuguese, German etc) in the same literary canon. Basing your argument on Mukoma wa Ngugi’s views as expressed in the reading entitled “Manufacturing the African Novel: The Makerere Writers and Questions of Language, Identity and Ownership” , discuss the importance of African languages in the production and consumption of African literature in Africa. In your considered view, what is the place and role of colonial languages in African literature. Do African writers gain or lose anything by writing in colonial languages?

In compiling your essay, endeavor to quote as extensively as possible from the reading and other sources.

Also, use one method of your choice when citing your sources throughout the essay.

Your essay should include a Works Cited page