Individual Reflective Report

Individual Reflective Report

1. The written coursework (1,000 words) requires the student to write an individual self-assessment of how the project team functioned and how the process might be more effectively managed in the future. 2. This piece of work should include an element of critical appraisal, in terms of what the student felt they have learnt about themselves as a result of the team process. 3. To this end the student is required to keep a ‘learning log’ during the course of the module, to be attached to the individual reflective log. 4. The assessment elements meet the identified learning outcomes whereby a cumulative assessment will assess knowledge and understanding of the core aspects of enterprise development, as well as providing students with the opportunity to display their ability to integrate and synthesise concepts. 5. In addition, the cumulative assessments will facilitate the assessment of skills including team working, problem-solving, presentation and communication. Must have at least 20 academic references.