Intervention/treatment program from this term

Intervention/treatment program from this term

Write a 6-8 page paper (Not including your cover page) on an intervention/treatment program from this term, used to treat a DSM-V diagnosable illness (Briefly explain the diagnosis). This paper will be both a research and critical analysis paper on the intervention you have chosen to write about. This means you need to include what it is, how effective it can be, what its used to treat and how you would use the intervention in both the child and family sessions. You must include 3 empirically researched and peer reviewed articles, texts, the course textbook and/or documentaries. (,,, and wikipedia are NOT acceptable citations in your paper. Most “organizations” and Alliances are also not peer reviewed sources, and will not count.) 50 points per source (up to 150 points)- Is the source peer reviewed (25 Points) and Is the source effectively used within the paper (25 Points). 75 points APA 6th edition Format (Full format, including cover page, abstract and reference page)- your entire paper MUST match APA format, including citations 75 Points Critical Thinking (See Critical thinking rubric). Each area is worth 15 points.