Investigating extremists are establishing online communities

Investigating extremists are establishing online communities

LAME Recruit, The cybercrime section of the LAw Management and Enforcement (LAME) has been made aware that extremists are establishing online communities where they meet and communicate. LAME cannot be seen caught off-guard, hence you, as a local LAw Management and Enforcement Representative (LAMER), have been assigned to investigate these communities and report back to your LAMEST. You have been issued an undercover-identity as an university student, along with an associated email address. You have been authorized to use LAME’s spy-crawler, which can be found at (Links to an external site.). Use your undercover identity to conduct your search within its forum section of the website. Note: this is a copy of real communications, which means that your findings are real, and most importantly that your searches are not going to be visible to the original forums from where these discussions were collected from. You are to use LAME’s spy-crawler website to study extremist communities (e.g., right-wing extremists, or radical Islamists, your decision). Specifically, your LAMEST is looking for you to report back on reactions within these communities on a specific extremist event (you are to pick one, for example, the Paris shootings) that have occurred in the recent past. Are these members sympathetic, or expressing violent thoughts, or is there a mixture (resulting in a discussion perhaps)? Do you think these people are expressing their thoughts more freely because they are online? How are these online outlets changing the right-wing extremists and radical Islamic movements? Reporting Requirements: Use screenshots or images liberally, and explain what you did using point form. Your report should demonstrate your thought process, creativity and logic. No need to be formal. Do not do a formal write-up. This is supposed to be an exercise, not a research paper. Your country appreciates your assistance