Investigation of Prostitution Project
Locate and interview an individual that has been involved in or is involved in some way with prostitution and/or prostitution cases. Possible individuals could be a person who is in law enforcement (e.g., an investigator, a “decoy,” a supervisor, a state agent, a federal agent, etc.), a psychologist, a counselor, a social worker, a victim’s advocate, a parole/probation officer, a judge, a prosecutor, a defense attorney, a former victim of child prostitution, or someone connected to a legal or illegal brothel, etc. This interview may be in person or over the telephone and may be concerned with adult or child prostitution. Construct a typewritten paper of approximately 3–5 pages, more if necessary, about this interview. In your discussion, depending on whom you are interviewing, consider the following line of questioning, along with possible others. Obviously, your line of questioning will take into consideration what role your interviewee plays in prostitution. How did you get involved in this work? When or how long have you been doing this work? What locations are involved in doing this work? What are your responsibilities when you do this work? What are your agency’s policies, rules, and guidelines of conduct regarding this work? What are the state and federal laws that apply to this work? What have prosecutors done or are doing in these cases? What are the reasons a prosecutor would decline to prosecute one of these cases? What training have you had in connection with this work? What is the general perception about these cases by others in your agency who have nothing to do with this work? What physical, emotional, and/or psychological etc. effects have you experienced as a result of doing this work? (Negative and positive.) Does your agency have any plan for determining who would be best-suited for this type of work and/or any type of safeguard program in place, including periodic psychological evaluations?