Is a Supreme Court justice who shifts back and forth between competing constitutional positions a “fair and open-minded” jurist, or a whimsical, unprincipled court position?

Is a Supreme Court justice who shifts back and forth between competing constitutional positions a “fair and open-minded” jurist, or a whimsical, unprincipled court position?

Choose ONE of the following questions to answer in the Discussion Board:   Post an initial response post with a minimum of 3 paragraphs, to the selected discussion board question and respond to at least one post by another student with a separate reply post in this discussion thread with a minimum of 2 paragraphs.

  1. Is a Supreme Court justice who shifts back and forth between competing constitutional positions a “fair and open-minded” jurist, or a whimsical, unprincipled court position?
  2. If so-called “swing justices” bring an element of unpredictability to the Court’s decision-making outcomes, is that a positive or negative development? Do we want the Court to be predictable? Why or why not?

Make sure to read what others have written and comment on at least one other student’s response.

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Choose ONE of the following questions to answer in the Discussion Board:   Post an initial response post with a minimum of 3 paragraphs, to the selected discussion board question and respond to at least one post by another student with a separate reply post in this discussion thread with a minimum of 2 paragraphs.

  1. Have advances in modern technology expanded or contracted citizens’ conceptions of what privacy they actually enjoy? Is it still reasonable to assume that conversations on cell phones remain private? What about e-mail messages and texts? Is anything that you do or write on a social networking site such asFacebookactually private?
  2. What disadvantages do modern-day pioneers in battles over equality face? Is the fame they gain for being first worth the price they must pay from their opponents?

Make sure to read what others have written and comment on at least one other student’s response.

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Choose ONE of the following questions to answer in the Discussion Board:   Post an initial response post with a minimum of 3 paragraphs, to the selected discussion board question and respond to at least one post by another student with a separate reply post in this discussion thread with a minimum of 2 paragraphs.

  1. The publication of poll results in the days before an election is often criticized because some say that voters are influenced to vote for the “leader” in thepoll—theso-called “bandwagon effect.” Do you think that there is any merit to this criticism?
  2. “Revolving door” laws prohibit public officials from lobbying activities for one year after they leave office. Do you think one year is a sufficient period of time to discourage public officials from making decisions in office that might affect their future financial gain?

Make sure to read what others have written and comment on at least one other student’s response.

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Choose ONE of the following questions to answer in the Discussion Board:   Post an initial response post with a minimum of 3 paragraphs, to the selected discussion board question and respond to at least one post by another student with a separate reply post in this discussion thread with a minimum of 2 paragraphs.

  1. Although the elections of Kennedy andObamaopened up opportunities for Catholics and African Americans, many demographic groups have still never achieved the presidency. In thinking ahead to the elections of 2016 and 2020, can you identify any possible candidates from these other groups-perhaps women, Asians, or Jewish candidates-who might break through yet another glass ceiling?
  2. In running for the party’s nomination, what are the advantages and disadvantages of a candidate who has a stronger ideological record? For example, in the 2012 GOP nomination race, what advantages did RickSantorum(the stronger socially conservative candidate) have as compared to Mitt Romney?

Make sure to read what others have written and comment on at least one other student’s response.

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Choose ONE of the following questions to answer in the Discussion Board:   Post an initial response post with a minimum of 3 paragraphs, to the selected discussion board question and respond to at least one post by another student with a separate reply post in this discussion thread with a minimum of 2 paragraphs.

  1. Are some states so different in culture and character from the nation as a whole that they make poor “laboratories” for experimentation? In considering national legislation, can we really learn much from Hawaii, Alaska, or Wyoming, to name just a few places?
  2. Can one justify the assassination of foreign leaders (military or otherwise)other thanthose recognized by the international community to be mass murders? Are there any foreign leaders in place today whose assassination would be welcome world-wide? Who are they?