Is Scientific Management applicable in today’s modern economy and management?
Scientific management involves a complete mental revolution on the part of the working man engaged in any particular establishment or industry … a complete mental revolution on the part of these men as to their duties toward their work, toward their fellowman, and toward their employers.
Scientific management involves an equally complete mental revolution on the part of those on management’s side…the foreman, the superintendent, the owner of the business, and the board of directors. Here we must have a mental revolution on their part as to their duties toward their fellow workers in management, toward their workmen, and toward all of their daily problems. Without this complete mental revolution on both sides, scientific management does not exist!
I want to sweep the deck, sweep away a good deal of the rubbish first by pointing out what scientific management is not it is not an efficiency device, nor is it any bunch or group of efficiency devices. It is not a new system of figuring costs. It is not a new scheme of paying men. It is not holding a stopwatch on a man and writing things down about him. It is not time study. It is not motion study, nor an analysis of the movements of a man. Nor is scientific management the printing and ruling and unloading of a ton or two of blank forms on a set of men and saying, “Here’s your system – go to it” (McLaughlin, 1995, p.446)
Is Scientific Management applicable in today’s modern economy and management?
Do you recognize the practical explanation of do you have more suggestions?
What are your success factors for practical scientific management? (Mulder, 2015).
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