Is the approach of avoiding the court necessarily the best outcome?

Is the approach of avoiding the court necessarily the best outcome?

How to draft a killer legal memorandum Caroline Mense, Lawyer, August 15 2015 Law Students and Young Lawyers, a well written memorandum can make or break your early legal career. Here are four tips to sharpen your writing style. Tip 1: Be clear Identify the issues you are researching and flag the order you will discuss each topic. This helps to clearly identify the scope of the research task. Tip 2: Structure Write about the issues in a logical and methodical way. Remember topic sentences and essay structures from university? Well, it applies in the workforce too. Tip 3: Discuss the issues List the legal issues under headings then analyse the issues under each heading. A useful method of discussing legal issues is the I-R- A-C method. This involves: 1. Issue- Identify the legal issue you are investigating. 2. Rule- Discuss how the authorities apply to the issue. Identify the prima facieposition and the permutations of the rules. It is your role to synthesize the information. 3. Application- Apply the rule(s) to the facts of your case. This involves further analysis, distinguishing cases and developing strong counter-arguments. 4. Conclusion- This is a reply to the legal issue. Tip 4: Edit Carefully edit your work. Look for spelling mistakes, grammatical errors and concepts that are not bullet-proof. Remember: Be clear, structure your ideas, discuss the legal issues and edit