It is insufficient to only list names of different types of search warrants without explaining requirements for each search warrant

It is insufficient to only list names of different types of search warrants without explaining requirements for each search warrant

Dropbox Assignment 2 Read your assigned chapter. By synthesizing information from your assigned chapter and the assigned article, discuss modern correctional alternatives. Chapters 9 & 10 Book: Allen, Harry E. (2013). Corrections in America: an Introduction (2nd Custom Edition for Columbia College). Pearson. [ISBN-978-1-256-87612-0] On two occasions during the session, you will be expected to complete a two-page (minimum), double-spaced essay on an assigned research topic. Dropbox assignments are worth 20 points each. At least two research references must be included and they should be in APA format. Research sources must also be properly cited in the body of your essay and the citations must match the listed references and visa versa. For information of APA formatting see the College Writing Center. Be sure to submit a title page, reference page and a minimum of full two pages of meaningful discussion. Papers must be prepared in MS Word. Meeting the two-page minimum is insufficient if the topic is not properly addressed. These papers are not thought papers so do not write in first person. Students are required to answer assignments in paragraph form. A paragraph is a distinct division of written matter, a single idea, containing one or more sentences with the first line indented. Three points are deducted when paragraph form is not used. Use your knowledge gained from assigned reading to create very specific, detailed responses. Examples: It is insufficient to only list names of different types of search warrants without explaining requirements for each search warrant. Another example would be listing names of different strategies used to combat illegal drugs without explaining each strategy. Some may say that I expect you to “regurgitate” what is in the textbook but this not the case. Rather, information in the textbook is the basis for the course and the material you will need to know upon completion of this course. DROPBOX CRITERIA Criteria Description Points Content The essay develops a central point, idea, or thesis that is clearly defined and supported by concrete substantial and relevant evidence. The body of the essay depicts that you have read and clearly understand the material from the textbook and can synthesize information from your additional resources. 10 Organization The essay is organized in paragraphs that are unified, coherent, and effective, with transitions between ideas. The sentences are correctly constructed, logical and complete. The essay must be two pages and double-spaced. Note that cover pages and reference pages do not count as pages of text. 5 Research References are appropriately listed in APA format. Information from multiple research sites will provide a more complete understanding of the topic. 5 Total 20