Kelly’s Kar Kleaning case study
Kelly’s Kar Kleaning is a full-service, high-tech, high-touch car wash. Mr. Kelly is customer-focused and gets a lot of repeat business. The job of the attendant is a demanding one and fast paced. The starting pay is $8.00 an hour with brief training. The managers hire the staff. Mr. Kelly does not keep formal turnover data, but he thinks the turnover for attendants has been increasing. The managers are now complaining about the high level of turnover and the problems that it creates. Mr. Kelly calls on you as an HR expert for assistance in figuring out what to do about the problem. Conduct academic research on motivation and retention and, in a 2-page APA-formatted paper with at least 2 references, help Mr. Kelly by answering the following questions: 1. What methods can be used to motivate the attendants to remain satisfied with their job or improve their level of satisfaction? 2. What retention drivers (actions) would you suggest that he consider taking to reduce the turnover? 3. Putting yourself in Mr. Kelly’s shoes, what further information do you need to know from the managers about the problem?