Leisure Management Among Native Americans
Step 1: You will be researching and learning about how different ethnic and cultural communities utilize leisure for wellness. Choose a population that is different from the culture you identify with that you would like to learn more about:
- Native Americans, Hawaiians, or Inuit People
- Latino/a/x Americans
- African Americans and members of the African Diaspora
- Middle Eastern Americans
- Southeast Asian Americans
- LGBTQ Communities
Step 2: Do your research. Everyone must answer questions 1 and 2. You may then choose a third question from the remaining prompts. Provide references (websites are ok!) for where you found your information:
- What are the major leisure activities for this group and how are they used to promote wellness?
- What major factors are influencing the leisure activities in this culture; (i.e.religion, economic, educational, history or others)?
- Is age or gender an influencing factor in this culture? If so, how?
- Are there current issues or debates related to leisure in these populations?
- How do the leisure activities of this culture vary or compare to leisure practices in your community?
- Are there any emerging trends in leisure in this culture?
Step 3: Reponse to two another student —the two picture provided (3 or more sentense for each)