Life of Charles the Great

Life of Charles the Great

This paper needs to be 2 pages single spaced, Chicago style for referencing required. USE ONLY TEXT FROM THE ATTACHMENT BELOW PLEASE. NOT OUTSIDE INFORMATION. Briefly answer the following general questions about this text to the best of your ability: Who wrote it? When? What were the author’s purpose and audience for this text? Second, select any ONE aspect of Charlemagne’s activities that Einhard describes (i.e. military achievements, political activity, family life, attitude to culture and education, personality, and so on—be creative). Briefly summarize what Einhard tells us on your chosen subject, and then analyze why you think Einhard emphasizes this aspect of Charlemagne. Finally, discuss the following: what kind of image of ideal royalty is Einhard attempting to paint, and how does this element fit in? Do you think this is a trustworthy view of Charlemagne and his empire for a historian to use? Why or why not? Part of your task is to consider the limitations of the source (and of any single source), but also to consider it as a resource that historians must use as fully as possible to understand the period. ATTATCHED IS THE LINK OF THE SOURCE…