Long-Term Care – What is it, and who gets it?
If you do not know which database the article is in, try searching ProQuest. If you do not find the article, then try the EBSCO database. Required Reading Eastaugh, S. R. (2008). Diversification the hospital industry. Journal of Health Care Finance, 34(4), 52-65. Retrieved from Proquest Mithran, S. (2011). Wood grange: responding to client’s needs. Community Care, 1860, 24. Retrieved from ProQuest. Reinhard, S. C., Kassner, E., & Houser, A. (2011). How the affordable care act can help move states toward a high-performing system of long-term care services and supports. Health Affairs, 30(3), 447-453. Retrieved from Proquest Siebenaller, B., (2010) Sustaining lifelong connections. Long Term Living, 59 (9), 28. Retrieved from Proquest Smith, D. B. & Feng, Z. (2010). The accumulated challenges of long-term care. Health Affairs, 29(1), 29-34. Retrieved from Proquest Zimmerman, S., Cohen, L.W., (2010). Evidence behind The Green House and Similar Models of Nursing Home Care. Aging Health, 6 (6), 717. Retrieved from Proquest Websites Gerace, A. (2012, August 16). Skilled nursing culture change indicates diversified model with rehab emphasis. Retrieved from http://seniorhousingnews.com/2012/08/16/skilled-nursing-culture-change-indicates-diversified-model-with-rehab-emphasis/ Race, M., Gale, J., & Coburn, A. (2011, March). Provision of long-term care services by critical access hospitals: Are things changing? Maine Rural Health Research Center, University of Southern Maine. Retrieved from http://www.flexmonitoring.org/documents/PolicyBrief19-LTC.pdf University of Rochester Medical Center (n.d.) Types of Long Term Care Facilities. Retrieved from: http://www.stronghealth.com/services/seniors/caring/typesoflongtermcare.cfm Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (2010). Retrieved from http://www.cms.hhs.gov/. Health and Human Services Types of Long-Term Care (2010). Retrieved from http://www.medicare.gov/longtermcare/static/typesoverview.asp All About Long Term Care (2010). Cost of Long-term Care. Retrieved from http://www.allaboutlongtermcare.com/cost.html. Privacy Policy | Contact Many health care providers offer more than one type of long term care service to customers. Write a paper and explain the concept of long term care diversification. In your paper discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of long term care diversification. Use the information in the modular background readings as well as any resource you can find conducting research on the world wide web. Please be sure to cite all sources and provide a reference list at the end of the paper. The following terms will be assessed in particular: Your understanding of the concept of long term care diversification. Your knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of long term care diversification. SLP Assignment Expectations You will be expected to provide a scholarly basis for your response. Your opinions must be justified with evidence from the literature. References should be cited properly in the text of your essay (either in parentheses or as footnotes), as well as at the end. Please support your discussions with scholarly support (3-5 references). Be sure to properly cite all references. Be sure to apply critical thinking skills to the assignment components stated above. The page length for this assignment should be from 2 to 3 pages (not counting your title page and references). You should cite at least 3 references for your discussion. Be sure to properly cite all references both within the text (at the end of paraphrased paragraphs) and at the end of your paper. Your paper will be evaluated based on the rubric criteria.