Macroeconomics Country Analysis

Macroeconomics Country Analysis

Breadth: The historical background of your country. The most significant portion of the history. Focus on political structure, geography ( and the impact geography would have on trade), culture, education, religion, and other social determinants. Depth: What are three issues and what is the impact on the Macroeconomic equation C+I+G+(X-M)= GDP. the issue may impact some or all of the variables. Please identify which variables and how they impact the equation. Additionally, are the issue connected to the history of the country? Application: Now that you are the country expert, what is the future outlook for the nation under study? This is your conclusion to all of your research and what you as a social scientist think will happen based on your research. Papers are to be in APA format. 12 pt times new roman. Please provide references for all work. No less than 5 resources. I will provide you with one resource. Here is your first resource. The CIA World factbook.