Mahatma Ghandi leadership analysis

Mahatma Ghandi leadership analysis

The assignment is an essay on Mahatma Ghandi chosen as my leader, guidelines are provided below. Should included references too. discuss a) their leadership style (you can include life experiences which helped them develop); b) their key leadership traits with examples; and c) how this brief case study of a leader can help you (as a future leader) develop your leadership style/skills. Be creative, but make sure you adhere to the format, and that you answer prompts a-c.

Most analytical, interpretive, or persuasive essays tend to follow the same basic pattern, and your individual essay for Asst. 2 will be no different. If you are adapting your mid-term essay for Assignment #2, you will be expanding your analysis. For example:

Paragraph 1: Introduction. I expect you to write a more detailed essay on the leader for Assignment 2. Therefore, in the introduction, you will go into specifics about what you will be discussing, and you will likewise have a clear statement about what the essay will discuss.

Paragraph 2: I expect you to provide some background on the leader. History. Don’t just copy Wikipedia. You can mention where they are from, where they went to school, where they worked, where they made their first big mark as a leader, etc. This can be paragraph 2.

Paragraph 3: discuss the leadership style of the leader. You can break this sub-topic into two different paragraphs. For example, you can discuss the philosophy of leadership the leader has. I would provide some examples.

Paragraph 4: discuss how their leadership style may have evolved/changed over time. Provide examples.

Paragraph 5: discuss their leadership traits here. Similar to paragraph 3, you can divide this into two paragraphs. For example, you can discuss how and in what circumstances they developed and/or put into practice their leadership traits. Provide some examples.

Paragraph 6: discuss some specific examples of how their traits impacted their work environment, their role as a leader, etc.

Paragraph 7: discuss in specific terms how the leader inspires and/or influences you. Provide specific examples. For example, you can discuss how you might act as a leader in the future based on the example of the leader you are writing about.

Paragraph 8: Conclusion. Summarize briefly the key points of the essay.

These are only suggestions. Your essay structure may be different. The point of Assignment 2 is to provide a more detailed leadership essay. And because it is a more detailed essay, I expect to see references.