Medication Administration – Risk identification and Minimisation
Part 1 Describe a situation (either a drug error or near miss event) that you have been involved in or been witness to. The situation may be one since you commenced your program or one in your capacity as an Enrolled Nurse or student. – The situation i choose is when patients are in theatre, the nurses dont always document on the online medication administration system (that the rest of the hospital uses), so when we get them back on the ward post op, we have to dig through all of the theatre paper work to find where they have documented what meds have been given. If they put these meds straight on to the online system, this would radically reduce the risk of medication errors and near misses that occur on the ward. Part 2 Which specific component of Peninsula Health’s Medication Administration Policy was not adhered to? (even if the event did not occur at a Peninsula Health site) What were the contributing factors to the situation? On reflection, how has this situation affected the way in which you either administer or check medications Format Project should be no more than two x A4 pages When referring to the policy, “in text” referencing (with document name and page number) will be sufficient