Occupational Report Final Essay
Career Essay 3-5 pages double spaced based on 1 of the Career Occupational Reports 100pts
To help you get started you will take a 60 question Holland Code Assessment called the O*NET Interest Profiler.
This can be found at the following website:
My Next Move Link (Links to an external site.)
- You will have to click “Next” until you get to these questions.
After you complete the career Inventory your highest 3 or 4 letters will be in BOLD. These will be your Holland Code.
2. Next you are going to go to the main O*NET site:
www.onetonline.org (Links to an external site.)
Step 1 Go to “Advanced Search”
Step 2 On the upper left you will see “Browse by O*NET DATA” you will see the “drop down” displaying “Abilities.” Click on the drop down box/arrow and click/choose “Interests”
Step 3 Click on Realistic
Step 4 You will see yellow boxes with 1st, 2nd, 3rd Put Your Holland Code (Interest Letters) in the boxes.
Step 5 Click Go.
***This is one way that you can look up careers***
Please feel free to use all the tools necessary to complete your assignment.
Example: Bureau of Labor Statistics etc….Occupational Report.docx
5. Career Essay 3-5 pages double spaced based on 1 of the Career Occupational Reports 100pts
To help you get started you will take a 60 question Holland Code Assessment called the O*NET Interest Profiler.
This can be found at the following website:
My Next Move Link (Links to an external site.)
- You will have to click “Next” until you get to these questions.
After you complete the career Inventory your highest 3 or 4 letters will be in BOLD. These will be your Holland Code.
2. Next you are going to go to the main O*NET site:
www.onetonline.org (Links to an external site.)
Step 1 Go to “Advanced Search”
Step 2 On the upper left you will see “Browse by O*NET DATA” you will see the “drop down” displaying “Abilities.” Click on the drop down box/arrow and click/choose “Interests”
Step 3 Click on Realistic
Step 4 You will see yellow boxes with 1st, 2nd, 3rd Put Your Holland Code (Interest Letters) in the boxes.
Step 5 Click Go.
***This is one way that you can look up careers***
Please feel free to use all the tools necessary to complete your assignment.
Example: Bureau of Labor Statistics etc