Opportunities and responsibilities we have toward others within our communities

Opportunities and responsibilities we have toward others within our communities

This week, through our readings and discussion, we have looked at the idea of community, and the opportunities and responsibilities we have toward others within our communities. Additionally, we have begun to explore the following course outcomes:

  • read and extract information and ideas from a variety of texts – Critical Thinking
  • ask valid and logical questions that promote a deeper understanding of the issues being examined;  – Critical Thinking
  • express a well-informed, personal viewpoint and show an understanding of his or her own biases;- Critical thinking & Communication
  • consider the viewpoints of others, especially those ideas that challenge his or her own;  – Critical thinking & Respect for Diversity
  • articulate how learning extends beyond the classroom.- Communication & Lifelong Learning & Social, Ethical & Professional Responsibility

In your journal, reflect back on what you have learned so far through the course readings, assignments, and discussions (you are encouraged to reflect back on previous weeks as well). Answer each of the following questions to guide your reflection: