Our President has recently imposed Tariffs on Steel Imports. Find out what Steel Tariffs mean and explain in a couple of sentences what they are. 

Our President has recently imposed Tariffs on Steel Imports. Find out what Steel Tariffs mean and explain in a couple of sentences what they are. 

We all have different emotions about the current President and his policies. I want you to suspend those emotions while you answer these questions. We are looking at this topic as Economists and regardless of emotion, we will complete our analysis based on facts and theories rather than emotions and feelings.

1. Our President has recently imposed Tariffs on Steel Imports. Find out what Steel Tariffs mean and explain in a couple of sentences what they are.

2. Which specific groups of population in the US will benefit from Steel Tariffs and which groups will lose out?

3. Will Steel Tariffs make Steel Products Cheaper or more expensive? Why or Why not? Use Economic analysis to respond.

4. How will countries that export Steel to the US react to these Tariffs?