Outline what is meant by bullying and bullying behaviour
Referring to research, outline what is meant by bullying and bullying behaviour. Explain the interventions available to reduce bullying behaviour and why they tend to be of limited success. N.B. If you do not answer the question properly and if you do not adhere to the references provided, I will not be accepting the essay. Also, if I check it and see it’s plagiarised I will also not be accepting it. Please use following references Menesini, E., & Salmivalli, C. (2017). Bullying in schools: the state of knowledge and effective interventions. Psychology, health & medicine, 22(1), 240-253. Pellegrini, A. D., Blatchford, P., & Baines, E. (2015). The child at school: Interactions with peers and teachers. Routledge. (Chapter 6: Aggression in school: the specific case of bullies and victims) Inglés, C. J., Gonzálvez-Maciá, C., García-Fernández, J. M., Vicent, M., & Martínez-Monteagudo, M. C. (2015). Current status of research on school refusal. European Journal of Education and Psychology, 8(1), 37-52.