Perceptions of the health care team and the patient’s expectations regarding birth plans
Birth plans outline the laboring woman’s desires related to her labor and birth.
Read the following article:
White-Corey, S. (2013). Birth plans: Tickets to the OR? MCN, The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing, 38(5), 268-273. Doi: 10.1097/NMC.0b013e31829a399d
Discuss the following:
The results of this research demonstrate an apparent disconnect between the perceptions of the health care team and the patient’s expectations regarding birth plans. Summarize the differences and suggest a rationale for these findings.
Using the quality improvement competency from the QSEN pre-licensure competencies, how can the perinatal nurse bridge this gap so that patients can safely achieve their labor/ birth expectations?
In your responses to your peers’ posts provide constructive and insightful comments that go beyond that of agree or disagree.
Compose your work using a word processor and save it, as a Plain Text or an .rtf, to your computer. When you’re ready to make your initial posting, please click on the “Create Thread” button and copy/paste the text from your document into the message field. Be sure to check your work and correct any spelling or grammatical errors before you post it.
You are required to post your initial response to the discussion question by Wednesday at 11:59 PM (EST) of the week it is due. Your initial post cannot be a response to another student’s post. Students who do not submit their response to the discussion questions as noted above will have 10 points deducted from their discussion question grade for that week.
When you’re ready to make your initial posting, please click on the “Create Thread” button and copy/paste the text from your document into the message field.
This activity will be assessed according to the AD Nursing: Discussion Question Rubric.