Performance pay for MGOA Physicians case study

Performance pay for MGOA Physicians case study

Read and assess the Harvard Business School Case: Performance pay for MGOA Physicians(A). Regardless of occupation or professions, changes to compensation programs often create resistance and concern. In this case, Dr Rubash and Dr. Herndon identify the need to change the physician compensation model for the Associates. In analyzing this case, assess the benefits of the new program along with the potential dissatisfiers with your rationale. Assess the reaction of the doctors and if you agree with their reaction and why. How would you communicate and sell the new program? Clearly define your communication strategy along with your rationale. In your responses to at least two peers, offer an alternative approach. Be prepared to discuss this case during our live session. What were the driving forces to develop a new compensation program? Assess the positive and negative components of the new plan. More questions?