Persecution of the Jews discussion
The following statement was taken from a contemporary account of Germany in 1939:
“Though the Fuhrer’s anti-Semitic program furnished the National Socialist party in the first instances with a nucleus and a rallying-cry, it was swept into office by two things with which the ‘Jewish Problem’ did not have the slightest connection. On the one side was economic distress and the revulsion against Versailles: on the other, chicanery and intrigue…Hitler and his party promised the unhappy Germans a new heaven and a new earth, coupled with the persecution of the Jews. Unfortunately, a new heaven and earth cannot be manufactured to order. But a persecution of the Jews can…”
How do you interpret this contemporary account of the persecution of people who are Jewish? Elaborate.
textbook: Brower, D., & Sanders, T. (2014). The world in the twentieth century: From empires to nations (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.
Guidelines and Rubric for Discussions
PURPOSE: Discussions are designed to promote dialogue between faculty and students, and students and their peers. In the discussions students:
- Demonstrate understanding of concepts for the week
- Integrate scholarly resources
- Engage in meaningful dialogue with classmates
- Express opinions clearly and logically, in a professional manner
Participation Requirement: You are required to post a minimum of three (3) times in each graded discussion. These three (3) posts must be on a minimum of two (2) separate days. You must respond to the initial discussion question by 11:59 p.m. MT on Wednesday.