Personal Positioning Plan

Personal Positioning Plan

Personal Positioning Plan You select one of the 4 topics in this course, Globalization, Governance, Strategy and Success/Failure and write a memorandum to yourself in which you make an argument why superior competence in this topic area will be important for you as a successful manager. You then discuss 2 business leaders (from your home country, New Zealand or anywhere) who you have selected for their skill in this topic area. You discuss the difference in their skill to your current skill in this area, which will highlight a skills gap. You lay out a specific plan with actions items you will complete, to close this skills gap and acquire the required skills within 5 years. This is a management memorandum, NOT a research paper and thus your writing style needs to be appropriate for a document used in business. Third party material/citations are to be used sparingly. This is about YOU describing YOU now and in the future.