Philosophies and strategies of various groups within the environmental movement

Philosophies and strategies of various groups within the environmental movement

The goal of this essay is to have you consider philosophies and strategies of various groups within the environmental movement and to develop your own criteria for preferring one over the other. Your essay should discuss (1) your personal environmental philosophy (e.g., whether you prefer deep ecology or reform ecology and why), (2) your personal preference on environmental tactics (e.g., whether you think that public education, corporate policing, or legislative action provides a better approach for solving environmental problems and why), and (3) which environmental problem or problems you think are most pressing and why and how that problem relates to other environmental problems. Your essay should demonstrate how the environmental group that you have chosen conforms to what you regard as an effective environmental philosophy and strategy, and how it has put together a program that actually helps to solve an important environmental problem. You will also want to discuss negative aspects of your chosen group’s organizational structure, outreach program and tactics, etc. Remember that your choice should be based on both the importance of the environmental problem and your assessment of how effective your chosen environmental group is in solving it. You may wish to contrast your chosen environmental group with another group that you find to be less effective to clarify the reasons for your choice. Papers must be double-spaced and typed. All factual information or opinions acquired from other sources (including websites) must be properly referenced in the text and accompanied by the full citation in the bibliography. Papers should be 5-8 pages of text plus the bibliography. Papers must be double-spaced and typed. All factual information or opinions acquired from other sources (including websites) must be properly referenced in the text and accompanied by the full citation in the bibliography. Papers should be 5-8 pages of text plus the bibliography.You may use any style guide you wish to format your in-text citations and your bibliography but you must use a commonly accepted style, for example the APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.