Police Patrol Methods
Each student will be required to complete the 10-15 page research paper. The paper should have at least 10 full pages of content not including the cover, abstract, and reference pages. The Research Paper must be in a Word Document (.doc) uploaded to the Assignment section of the classroom. Students will be required to use at least six scholarly references from the AMU online library databases. The paper is due by Sunday of week 7 and is worth 20% of your class grade. When you submit your paper into the “assignment” area as a word doc only it is processed by Turnitin for plagiarism detection. Please select a topic that is covered in this course and that you are interested researching. You are required to provide a well-developed analysis of the topic. You should utilize your critical thinking skills and demonstrate your understanding of the criminal justice material you are researching. Please share your topic selection with your instructor by Week 4 via the message tool for approval. Your research paper must be formatted in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association Sixth Edition (APA style 6th edition). You can find help with APA Style guidelines within the AMU Online Library or at www.apastyle.org. Do not copy large sections of text verbatim, cited or uncited, from the Web or your paper will be severely penalized. You must cite within the paper per APA standards. Papers submitted to previous classes or other universities are not permitted.