Policy evaluation discussion
This assignment is related to policy evd evaluation you previously help me with. I will attach the previous assignment for your reference. I need you to answer the bulleted question in activity 4 In activity 3, you are asked to review a starter kit of public and private sector entities involved in various types of policy related activities and to identify those which can be helpful to you in building your evidence based case for the policy change you want and to advocate for it. In activity 4, you are asked to answer a set of bulleted questions, crafting your answers in reference to the set of public and/or private entities you identified in activity 3. If you identify additional public and private sector entities not listed in the starter kit in activity 3, feel free to include them in your answers to the bulleted questions in activity 4. The bulleted questions you should be ready to answer are: • Why did you choose the particular agencies, organizations, and/or associations? • How do you see yourself working with them? • What skills would you need to best work with them? • What barriers/difficulties do you anticipate encountering and what is your game plan for dealing with them? • How will these resources help you to make your pitch, deciding who to pitch to, and what alternatives to formulate? • How will they help you get your background data to formulate your pitch? Each of you will have 10 minutes to focus on your issue. Of those 10 minutes, you will have 8 minutes total to present your response to each of the 6 bulleted questions above, and another 2 minutes for discussion. Your responses should be concise but substantive and based on readings and other course materials. This will be good practice for how to be concise in preparation for your elevator speech. Below are the listed info on activity 3: Review the resources below. They are selected examples of federal and state government and private sector entities involved in shaping, implementing and evaluating health policy. Some play a role in producing health data through research, in analyzing and reporting data, and/or in collaborating with health policy makers, including federal and state legislators. Click on the links for each of these resources to identify the relevant set pertinent to your health policy area of interest. U.S. Government Research/Health Policy Organizations • Abt Associates, Inc. • Institute of Medicine • Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. • RAND Health • RTI International • The Lewin Group • Urban Institute Foundations • Commonwealth Fund • Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation • Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Associations • AARP o AARP Home page o AARP Center to Champion Nursing http://www.aarp.org/ppi/experts/center-to-champion-nursing/ http://campaignforaction.org/about/our-story/ http://campaignforaction.org/about/leadership-staff/ o AARP Public Policy Institute • AcademyHealth o AcademyHealth Home Page o AcademyHealth Advocacy • American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (ACNP) o AANP Home Page o AANP Legislation/Regulatory page • American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) o AACN Home page o Take Action: AACN Grassroots Network o Government Affairs • American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) o AANP o AANP Policy/Advocacy Page • American Nurses Association (ANA) o ANA Home Page o ANA Policy/Advocacy Page • American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA) o AANA Home Page o AANA Advocacy Page • American Public Health Association (APHA) o APHA Home page o APHA Advocacy & Policy • National Organization of Nurse Practitioners (NONPF) o NONPF o NONPF Policy/Advocacy Page