Political cartoon analysis

Political cartoon analysis

The Assignment Each student is required to submit a TWO-THREE-PAGE ESSAY, analyzing a political cartoon created by the Pulitzer prize winning cartoonist, Mike Luckovich, with the appropriate citation documentation of the cartoon (many students miss this, so see below). (Be sure to select ONLY political cartoons posted on the website listed below for the period—January 7, 2019 through February 8, 2019). PLEASE NOTE: You must use a Luckovich cartoon posted between 1/07/19 and 2/08/19 from the creators.com website listed below. The cartoon you choose must deal with a political topic (not cultural, sports-related, or entertainment-related). Cartoon analysis papers that do not follow these instructions will not be graded. I. INSTRUCTIONS 1. Use the Internet to find the following web page: http://www.gocomics.com/mikeluckovich/. From this web page, select and print one cartoon by Mike Luckovich. (Please note—Be SURE that it is by Luckovich, and not some other cartoonist.) To view different cartoons by Luckovich from different days, click on the calendar on the right side of webpage or use the blue arrows—“Previous” or “Next”—for earlier or later examples. The cartoon you choose must be about a political topic.

 2. Each analytical essay must be at least 2 pages, typed and double-spaced, with standard margins, with 10- or 12-point font.) One page just will not do. More than three will be considered excessive.) At the top of your first page, include the following (SINGLE SPACED!):
 (Note—you do NOT need a separate page for this, i.e. cover page.) a) Title: “Political Cartoon Analysis” (the only title possible) b) Citation for the cartoon you chose (e.g.. Luckovich, Mike. Cartoon. 4 June 2009).
http://www.creators.com/editorialcartoons/mike-luckovich/2800.html. Please note: the URL here is ONLY an example. Do NOT use this one.) c) Your name (Please type your name.) d) The date you turned in the assignment in Dropbox 

 3. Include a copy of the cartoon with your submission. It MUST be on a separate page. (Some students forget this. It is NOT enough to include the URL for the cartoon. You must include the image itself in your submission, on a separate page.)

 II. Description and Analysis Respond to each of the following in separate paragraphs in your essay: 1. Describe the cartoon: who or what is depicted (shown) by Mr. Luckovich? That is describe the symbols and images used in the cartoon by the cartoonist. [This first section is description, in a literal way, especially for the main elements, as if the readers cannot see the cartoon that you are looking at. They must picture it in their minds. For example, in the first paragraph, you might say for a particular cartoon, “there is a tall, slim African-American man next to an elephant.” What those images mean is left for the next paragraph.] 2. Interpret the symbols/images in the cartoon. What do they mean? [In this paragraph, you would point out that the ”African-American man” mentioned in the previous paragraph is President Obama and that the “elephant” symbolizes the Republican Party. By the way, another symbol for the Republican Party is the GOP-“Grand Old Party.” The symbol for the Democrats is the donkey. Other images that Luckovich uses include a couple—a short older man and a tall older woman with a “beehive” hairdo—which represents “Middle America.”] 3. Analyze the cartoon. What larger issue is the Luckovich addressing? How do the images/symbols help to make his point on the issue? Based on the cartoon and its symbols, what point is Luckovich trying to get the public to see? (There is a small window of interpretation here—VERY small—but the main meaning is almost always clear from the images. That is, you will not be allowed to suggest that a particular interpretation is your opinion is as valid as anyone else’s. The interpretation must be based on the actual cartoon.) Please note that you are allowed [but not required] to express your opinion about the issue, BUT ONLY AFTER you have fully analyzed the images in the particular cartoon that you have chosen. ———– You will notice that Mike Luckovich tends to have a liberal spin on issues. After your analysis, you can point that out, or add your own “spin” in a brief commentary. But let me be clear: you are not allowed to have your political preferences interfere with your description and analysis of the cartoon. Your description will let us know that we are looking at the same image. Your interpretation and analysis will help us understand the message that Luckovich (i.e. not you, the writer of the essay) is trying to make. Your commentary is much less important in terms of the assignment grade. The essays will be graded on proper format; organization of the essay (per the instructions); accuracy of the citation; accuracy and completeness of your analysis; and the readability of the essay. Then a cartoon edit DUE no later than Sunday, February 10, 2019, by midnight, in the Assessments/Assignments folder. The Assignment Each student is required to submit a TWO-THREE-PAGE ESSAY, analyzing a political cartoon created by the Pulitzer prize winning cartoonist, Mike Luckovich, with the appropriate citation documentation of the cartoon (many students miss this, so see below). (Be sure to select ONLY political cartoons posted on the website listed below for the period—January 7, 2019 through February 8, 2019). PLEASE NOTE: You must use a Luckovich cartoon posted between 1/07/19 and 2/08/19 from the creators.com website listed below. The cartoon you choose must deal with a political topic (not cultural, sports-related, or entertainment-related). Cartoon analysis papers that do not follow these instructions will not be graded. I. INSTRUCTIONS 1. Use the Internet to find the following web page: http://www.gocomics.com/mikeluckovich/. From this web page, select and print one cartoon by Mike Luckovich. (Please note—Be SURE that it is by Luckovich, and not some other cartoonist.) To view different cartoons by Luckovich from different days, click on the calendar on the right side of webpage or use the blue arrows—“Previous” or “Next”—for earlier or later examples. The cartoon you choose must be about a political topic.

 2. Each analytical essay must be at least 2 pages, typed and double-spaced, with standard margins, with 10- or 12-point font.) One page just will not do. More than three will be considered excessive.) At the top of your first page, include the following (SINGLE SPACED!):
 (Note—you do NOT need a separate page for this, i.e. cover page.) a) Title: “Political Cartoon Analysis” (the only title possible) b) Citation for the cartoon you chose (e.g.. Luckovich, Mike. Cartoon. 4 June 2009).
http://www.creators.com/editorialcartoons/mike-luckovich/2800.html. Please note: the URL here is ONLY an example. Do NOT use this one.) c) Your name (Please type your name.) d) The date you turned in the assignment in Dropbox 

 3. Include a copy of the cartoon with your submission. It MUST be on a separate page. (Some students forget this. It is NOT enough to include the URL for the cartoon. You must include the image itself in your submission, on a separate page.)

 II. Description and Analysis Respond to each of the following in separate paragraphs in your essay: 1. Describe the cartoon: who or what is depicted (shown) by Mr. Luckovich? That is describe the symbols and images used in the cartoon by the cartoonist. [This first section is description, in a literal way, especially for the main elements, as if the readers cannot see the cartoon that you are looking at. They must picture it in their minds. For example, in the first paragraph, you might say for a particular cartoon, “there is a tall, slim African-American man next to an elephant.” What those images mean is left for the next paragraph.] 2. Interpret the symbols/images in the cartoon. What do they mean? [In this paragraph, you would point out that the ”African-American man” mentioned in the previous paragraph is President Obama and that the “elephant” symbolizes the Republican Party. By the way, another symbol for the Republican Party is the GOP-“Grand Old Party.” The symbol for the Democrats is the donkey. Other images that Luckovich uses include a couple—a short older man and a tall older woman with a “beehive” hairdo—which represents “Middle America.”] 3. Analyze the cartoon. What larger issue is the Luckovich addressing? How do the images/symbols help to make his point on the issue? Based on the cartoon and its symbols, what point is Luckovich trying to get the public to see? (There is a small window of interpretation here—VERY small—but the main meaning is almost always clear from the images. That is, you will not be allowed to suggest that a particular interpretation is your opinion is as valid as anyone else’s. The interpretation must be based on the actual cartoon.) Please note that you are allowed [but not required] to express your opinion about the issue, BUT ONLY AFTER you have fully analyzed the images in the particular cartoon that you have chosen. ———– You will notice that Mike Luckovich tends to have a liberal spin on issues. After your analysis, you can point that out, or add your own “spin” in a brief commentary. But let me be clear: you are not allowed to have your political preferences interfere with your description and analysis of the cartoon. Your description will let us know that we are looking at the same image. Your interpretation and analysis will help us understand the message that Luckovich (i.e. not you, the writer of the essay) is trying to make. Your commentary is much less important in terms of the assignment grade. The essays will be graded on proper format; organization of the essay (per the instructions); accuracy of the citation; accuracy and completeness of your analysis; and the readability of the essay. The Assignment Each student is required to submit a TWO-THREE-PAGE ESSAY, analyzing a political cartoon created by the Pulitzer prize winning cartoonist, Mike Luckovich, with the appropriate citation documentation of the cartoon (many students miss this, so see below). (Be sure to select ONLY political cartoons posted on the website listed below for the period—January 7, 2019 through February 8, 2019). PLEASE NOTE: You must use a Luckovich cartoon posted between 1/07/19 and 2/08/19 from the creators.com website listed below. The cartoon you choose must deal with a political topic (not cultural, sports-related, or entertainment-related). Cartoon analysis papers that do not follow these instructions will not be graded. I. INSTRUCTIONS 1. Use the Internet to find the following web page: http://www.gocomics.com/mikeluckovich/. From this web page, select and print one cartoon by Mike Luckovich. (Please note—Be SURE that it is by Luckovich, and not some other cartoonist.) To view different cartoons by Luckovich from different days, click on the calendar on the right side of webpage or use the blue arrows—“Previous” or “Next”—for earlier or later examples. The cartoon you choose must be about a political topic.

 2. Each analytical essay must be at least 2 pages, typed and double-spaced, with standard margins, with 10- or 12-point font.) One page just will not do. More than three will be considered excessive.) At the top of your first page, include the following (SINGLE SPACED!):
 (Note—you do NOT need a separate page for this, i.e. cover page.) a) Title: “Political Cartoon Analysis” (the only title possible) b) Citation for the cartoon you chose (e.g.. Luckovich, Mike. Cartoon. 4 June 2009).
http://www.creators.com/editorialcartoons/mike-luckovich/2800.html. Please note: the URL here is ONLY an example. Do NOT use this one.) c) Your name (Please type your name.) d) The date you turned in the assignment in Dropbox 

 3. Include a copy of the cartoon with your submission. It MUST be on a separate page. (Some students forget this. It is NOT enough to include the URL for the cartoon. You must include the image itself in your submission, on a separate page.)

 II. Description and Analysis Respond to each of the following in separate paragraphs in your essay: 1. Describe the cartoon: who or what is depicted (shown) by Mr. Luckovich? That is describe the symbols and images used in the cartoon by the cartoonist. [This first section is description, in a literal way, especially for the main elements, as if the readers cannot see the cartoon that you are looking at. They must picture it in their minds. For example, in the first paragraph, you might say for a particular cartoon, “there is a tall, slim African-American man next to an elephant.” What those images mean is left for the next paragraph.] 2. Interpret the symbols/images in the cartoon. What do they mean? [In this paragraph, you would point out that the ”African-American man” mentioned in the previous paragraph is President Obama and that the “elephant” symbolizes the Republican Party. By the way, another symbol for the Republican Party is the GOP-“Grand Old Party.” The symbol for the Democrats is the donkey. Other images that Luckovich uses include a couple—a short older man and a tall older woman with a “beehive” hairdo—which represents “Middle America.”] 3. Analyze the cartoon. What larger issue is the Luckovich addressing? How do the images/symbols help to make his point on the issue? Based on the cartoon and its symbols, what point is Luckovich trying to get the public to see? (There is a small window of interpretation here—VERY small—but the main meaning is almost always clear from the images. That is, you will not be allowed to suggest that a particular interpretation is your opinion is as valid as anyone else’s. The interpretation must be based on the actual cartoon.) Please note that you are allowed [but not required] to express your opinion about the issue, BUT ONLY AFTER you have fully analyzed the images in the particular cartoon that you have chosen. ———– You will notice that Mike Luckovich tends to have a liberal spin on issues. After your analysis, you can point that out, or add your own “spin” in a brief commentary. But let me be clear: you are not allowed to have your political preferences interfere with your description and analysis of the cartoon. Your description will let us know that we are looking at the same image. Your interpretation and analysis will help us understand the message that Luckovich (i.e. not you, the writer of the essay) is trying to make. Your commentary is much less important in terms of the assignment grade. The essays will be graded on proper format; organization of the essay (per the instructions); accuracy of the citation; accuracy and completeness of your analysis; and the readability of the essay. DUE no later than Sunday, February 10, 2019, by midnight, in the Assessments/Assignments folder. The Assignment Each student is required to submit a TWO-THREE-PAGE ESSAY, analyzing a political cartoon created by the Pulitzer prize winning cartoonist, Mike Luckovich, with the appropriate citation documentation of the cartoon (many students miss this, so see below). (Be sure to select ONLY political cartoons posted on the website listed below for the period—January 7, 2019 through February 8, 2019). PLEASE NOTE: You must use a Luckovich cartoon posted between 1/07/19 and 2/08/19 from the creators.com website listed below. The cartoon you choose must deal with a political topic (not cultural, sports-related, or entertainment-related). Cartoon analysis papers that do not follow these instructions will not be graded. I. INSTRUCTIONS 1. Use the Internet to find the following web page: http://www.gocomics.com/mikeluckovich/. From this web page, select and print one cartoon by Mike Luckovich. (Please note—Be SURE that it is by Luckovich, and not some other cartoonist.) To view different cartoons by Luckovich from different days, click on the calendar on the right side of webpage or use the blue arrows—“Previous” or “Next”—for earlier or later examples. The cartoon you choose must be about a political topic.

 2. Each analytical essay must be at least 2 pages, typed and double-spaced, with standard margins, with 10- or 12-point font.) One page just will not do. More than three will be considered excessive.) At the top of your first page, include the following (SINGLE SPACED!):
 (Note—you do NOT need a separate page for this, i.e. cover page.) a) Title: “Political Cartoon Analysis” (the only title possible) b) Citation for the cartoon you chose (e.g.. Luckovich, Mike. Cartoon. 4 June 2009).
http://www.creators.com/editorialcartoons/mike-luckovich/2800.html. Please note: the URL here is ONLY an example. Do NOT use this one.) c) Your name (Please type your name.) d) The date you turned in the assignment in Dropbox 

 3. Include a copy of the cartoon with your submission. It MUST be on a separate page. (Some students forget this. It is NOT enough to include the URL for the cartoon. You must include the image itself in your submission, on a separate page.)

 II. Description and Analysis Respond to each of the following in separate paragraphs in your essay: 1. Describe the cartoon: who or what is depicted (shown) by Mr. Luckovich? That is describe the symbols and images used in the cartoon by the cartoonist. [This first section is description, in a literal way, especially for the main elements, as if the readers cannot see the cartoon that you are looking at. They must picture it in their minds. For example, in the first paragraph, you might say for a particular cartoon, “there is a tall, slim African-American man next to an elephant.” What those images mean is left for the next paragraph.] 2. Interpret the symbols/images in the cartoon. What do they mean? [In this paragraph, you would point out that the ”African-American man” mentioned in the previous paragraph is President Obama and that the “elephant” symbolizes the Republican Party. By the way, another symbol for the Republican Party is the GOP-“Grand Old Party.” The symbol for the Democrats is the donkey. Other images that Luckovich uses include a couple—a short older man and a tall older woman with a “beehive” hairdo—which represents “Middle America.”] 3. Analyze the cartoon. What larger issue is the Luckovich addressing? How do the images/symbols help to make his point on the issue? Based on the cartoon and its symbols, what point is Luckovich trying to get the public to see? (There is a small window of interpretation here—VERY small—but the main meaning is almost always clear from the images. That is, you will not be allowed to suggest that a particular interpretation is your opinion is as valid as anyone else’s. The interpretation must be based on the actual cartoon.) Please note that you are allowed [but not required] to express your opinion about the issue, BUT ONLY AFTER you have fully analyzed the images in the particular cartoon that you have chosen. ———– You will notice that Mike Luckovich tends to have a liberal spin on issues. After your analysis, you can point that out, or add your own “spin” in a brief commentary. But let me be clear: you are not allowed to have your political preferences interfere with your description and analysis of the cartoon. Your description will let us know that we are looking at the same image. Your interpretation and analysis will help us understand the message that Luckovich (i.e. not you, the writer of the essay) is trying to make. Your commentary is much less important in terms of the assignment grade. The essays will be graded on proper format; organization of the essay (per the instructions); accuracy of the citation; accuracy and completeness of your analysis; and the readability of the essay. then A CARTOON DRAWINGS http://www.creators.com/editorialcartoons/mike-luckovich/29076.html There are three major elements to describe here: 1) the couple sitting on the sofa, 2) the screen with a man and the CNN logo in it, and the speech “bubbles” (as opposed to thought “bubbles”). ALL of these elements need to be fully described, as if the reader has not seen the cartoon. This can take up about a half page, or sometimes more. After describing the elements (as if no one else is looking at the cartoon), you will need to explain what the symbols or elements mean. In this case, as I mentioned in the essay description, the couple is Mr. Luckovich’s “Everyman” couple (the average American couple). CNN is a well-known TV network, and the man in the picture is Anderson Cooper, perhaps the best-known face of CNN. The speech bubbles need explanation, as well. The CNN reporter is talking about an Easter Egg hunt, a tradition of American Christians. If your country does not have this, and/or if you are non-Christian, this may be confusing. The speech bubbles need explanation, as well. The CNN reporter is talking about an Easter Egg hunt, a tradition of American Christians. If your country does not have this, and/or if you are non-Christian, this may be confusing. Also around this time, CNN was reporting– 24/7!– on the missing Malaysian airliner. This story needs explanation as well. The couple is responding to the announcement about the Easter Egg hunt.