Pregnancy Complication: Recognizing Deviations from the Normal Physiologic Changes in PregnancyLabs
Pregnancy Complication: Recognizing Deviations from the Normal Physiologic Changes in PregnancyLabs
A 27-year-old G2P0010 develops “heartburn” at 30 weeks gestational age. She tries antacids unsuccessfully for 2 days and on the third day experiences severe RUQ pain, a headache, and confusion. On presentation to the labor floor, her blood pressure is 155/90, she is noted to have facial edema and her concentrated urine specimen reveals 2+ proteinuria.
- WBC 18,000 cells/mm³
- Hemoglobin 7.0 g/dL
- Hematocrit 22%
- Platelets 68,000 cells/mm³
- ALT 70 U/L
- AST 64 U/L
- AlkPhos 154 U/L
- LDH 640 mg/dL
- Schistocytes were noted on the peripheral smear
- Elaborate on the scope and standards of an advanced practice registered nurse as applied to the high-risk pregnant patient.
- Hemolysis, elevated liver functions, and low platelets (HELLP) affects 10% of women with which of the following conditions? Provide rationale and citation(s).
- Hepatitis
- Hemolytic uremic syndrome
- Preeclampsia/eclampsia
- Lupus erythematosus
- Which of the following lab values specifically correlates with HELLP syndrome? Provide rationale and citation(s).
- Decreased platelets
- Elevated alkaline phosphatase
- Increased hematocrit
- Decreased BUN
- When HELLP is diagnosed after 34 weeks, the most appropriate management is? Provide rationale and citation(s).
- Corticosteroids for 24 to 48 hours then delivery
- Prompt delivery
- Expectant management monitoring liver enzymes till 36 weeks
- Plasmapheresis then delivery
- About 25% of women with HELLP syndrome will: (Provide rationale and citation(s).
- Experience liver failure
- Experience kidney failure
- Experience HELLP in a subsequent pregnancy
- Die from complications of HELLP
- Corticosteroid therapy with HELLP syndrome has been shown to: (Provide rationale and citation(s)).
- Improve laboratory values
- Improve maternal blood pressure
- Potentiate the effect of Nifedipine
- Decrease the likelihood of HELLP in a subsequent pregnancy
- Discuss the legal, ethical, socioeconomic, psychosocial, and cultural factors associated with HELLP Syndrome.