Preparing Nursing Students for Mental Health Care

Preparing Nursing Students for Mental Health Care

Using Tutorial assignment Research in Nursing lead a critique of a supplied journal article for 15 minutes, with 5 minutes question time. This critique needs to provide a good description of the paper, which means describing the sample, methodology and setting. You also need to describe the context of the literature – this may involve talking about other studies that have informed this paper and led to this research, but be mindful that the purpose of this critique is not to be a literature review. Provide a summary of the research. Does it answer the question it asks? Consider this in the context of the problem identified in the paper and the broader literature concerning this problem. You should also attempt to draw your own conclusions about the results, such as further research or how the results could inform your practice. Consider the following as a possible “template” for your presentation: • Introduce the paper o What is the topic? o What is the research question it asks? o Why is the research important for nurses? • Talk about the setting o Where was the study conducted? o Is the setting appropriate to the question? o Is the setting generalisable to the wider population? • Talk about the sample o Is the sample appropriate to the question? o Is the sample large enough to justify the conclusions? o Was the sampling methodology appropriate? • Talk about the methodology o Was the methodology appropriate to the research question? o Was the methodology clearly defined? o Are there any issues with the way the research was conducted? o Could other methodologies have been considered? • Provide the results • How does this paper inform future research/practice? • What are the conclusions you draw from this paper? Will it change your practice?