Probation Revocations research paper
Individuals placed on probation are subject to rules, regulations, sanctions and treatment programs. Offenders who fail to adhere to the rules and regulations of their probation can face probation revocation which may result in a prison sentence. Watch the video attached, which outlines what offenders must do to avoid probation revocations. The attorney in the video explains that there are often situations in which an offender is about to expire their sentence and commits a new crime or violation. It is their job to argue that the offender should have their sentenced reduced, dismissed or have the offender reinstated? Perform research on the topic and provide an informed opinion. Make sure to cite your sources in order to legitimize your opinion. After you perform your research explain what supporting information you discovered to support your opinion. Should the court reduce, dismiss or reinstate an offender who commits a crime when he/she is arrested shortly before expiring their probation term? Remember to post at least three times on three different days during the week. link to the video